Ozone Knowledge

What is ozone?

Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It is both a natural and a man-made product that occurs in the Earth’s upper atmosphere  and lower atmosphere.

When used correctly, ozone is a safe and effective sanitizer for air and water applications. Ozone, also referred to as active oxygen, is simply another form of oxygen.

——Reference from EPA Articles

How to use ozone safely?

The major objection to ozone is safety. Ozone has a 20-30 minute half-life in the air meaning that its concentration will break down quickly. After running a unit, be sure to wait out the half-life before returning to the room to allow the ozone to dissipate. If the smell of ozone is still strong after waiting 30 minutes, open windows or use the electric fan to air out the room.

Guidelines Regarding Ozone Exposure:

IOA Standard – 0.1ppm for 10 hours per day exposure ;

US Standard – 0.1ppm for 8 hours ; Germany Standard – 0.1ppm for 8 hours;

France Standard – 0.1ppm for 8 hours; China Standard – 0.15ppm for 8 hours;

*In the air: 0.1ppm=0.214mg/m³ | In the water: 0.1ppm=100mg/m³ = 0.1mg/L】

* US FDA states a limit of .05 ppm for areas where people of all kinds congregate, such as casinos, card rooms, restaurants etc.

——Reference from IOA Articles

Remarkable Properties for Ozone Application

Ozone has been applied on a large scale to water treatment air treatment and food storage & preservation, because:

(1) It is a powerful disinfectant and oxidant therefore able to disinfect microorganisms that contaminate soiled garments and linens and to oxidize organic contaminants.

(2) It provides its disinfection/oxidation benefits quickly and simultaneously decomposes to oxygen-containing byproducts that are beneficial for the environment.

(3) It leaves no residues in food and its powerful oxidation is also very good in private home food storage (refrigerators) and devices for washing purchased fresh foods, which increase their storage times and delaying spoilage.  

(4) Its attractive payback economics due to savings in energy and other factors.

——Reference from IOA Articles

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